Women's and Children's Crisis Shelter
24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline (562) 945-3939
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The Women’s and Children’s Crisis Shelter (WCCS) is a non-profit organization providing free emergency services to men, women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. Primarily serving the Southeast Los Angeles area, WCCS has provided emergency and supportive intervention services since 1977.

Do you know someone who:
Is in an abusive relationship
Feels unsafe in their own home
Is forced to have sex
Is prevented from seeing friends or relatives
Has been threatened
Whose children or pets have been threatened
Is afraid of their partner
Is frightened of their partner’s temper
Feels isolated, alone and afraid
Stays in an abusive relationship because they have nowhere else to go
(562) 945-3939

Shelter Services
We offer a safe and secure place of refuge and recovery for victims of domestic violence and their children. Our confidential 45-day stay emergency shelter offers a safe and secure place of refuge and recovery for victims of domestic violence and their children. Our entire continuum of on-site provisions consists of food, clothing, hygiene items, support groups, parenting classes, one-on-one counseling, case management, legal, financial and medical advocacy, transportation, and children’s program including an on-site school for shelter children.

WCCS Programs
• 24-Hour Crisis Hotline in English and Spanish
• 45-Day Emergency Shelter
• Crisis intervention and support groups
• Meals and clothing distribution
• Legal and law enforcement advocacy
• Transitional housing advocacy
• Healthcare and medical advocacy
• Transitional Housing
• Bungalows for victims of domestic violence and their children
For more info: Administration Office: (562) 945-3937